Monday, September 30, 2013

There is no harmony in Eharmony

In my previous post I mentioned that I was going to give Eharmony a go since they had a special running to become a member.  For everyone who is happily married or who found your significant other not online, Eharm has a specific way of communicating with your matches by guiding you through 3 steps before you can email them directly.  You CAN email them before answering all of the questions but they recommend that you don't.

So I started off with close to 25 matches in my queue, pretty good in my mind.  After going through them I realized that close to 50% were also on Match.  The other 40% lived in Longmont, Utah, Pueblo or Wyoming.  Um ya, I'm totally going to date someone who lives 2+ hours from me.  The remaining 10% I sent the 1st step, 'getting to know each other'.  A few rejected me and a few others progressed through 'must have and can't stands' and 'learn more about him' to the email, yay!  Some never emailed me and some that I responded to via email never emailed me again.  Begin rant~ok WHY would you waste all your time going back and forth with Eharm's dumb questions if you didn't want to learn more about me? Please don't waste my time ~end rant.

So I'm taking a break from dating for a bit. It's clear that I'm burned out.  I'm going on dates with guys just to go on dates, knowing before hand that we're probably not a good fit.  Now don't think that I'm pigeon holing myself by not being open to dating outside of my comfort zone, I'm definitely open to meeting someone that I wouldn't think I would date.  There are just some deal breakers that I can't get around, like: you don't like to be outdoors, you dislike dogs and you don't drink.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rants about Men on Match

Meeting a man the old fashion way just didn't pan out so I'm back to Match.  I've also had thoughts about trying out eHarmony again but just can't commit to the cost and the time it takes to update my profile.  It's on my list of 'to-dos' that's about 64 items long.  

One of the things that really irks me about Match is the empty email.  Meaning no subject line and a few words in the body, like "Hi."  or "Your cute" (yes I know that is grammatically incorrect, but that's typically how they spell it.)  Or the one today, asking if I liked guacamole and if I wanted to get naked.  Um, are you going to smear guac all over me when I get to your house? Add that to the list of obscure fetishes.

Ok I'm definitely revisiting eHarmony, score!  $9.95/month special for 3 months, lets try this out again.  Updates to come...

Also update from silent treatment man from my last post.  It turns out he just went mental.  He texted me and said he's going through a thing and needs to figure out what's happening in his head.  As one of my friends said, ABORT!  ABORT!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Radio Silence

I've gone out with the guy I met at the bar a few times and we've always had a good time and good conversation, I even made him a non-meat eaters dinner (he's a meat eater) one night and he didn't complain.  

Fast forward to this past weekend.  We had plans on Friday which were cancelled by him, excuse was that he had a long week, was tired, was grouchy, blah blah blah.  Ok, cool with me, I get that everyone has those days.  We  made plans for Saturday night instead.  I didn't hear from him all day and when I finally did, he asked what I wanted to do.  I suggested a show or a movie or something and then didn't hear back from him for close to 2 hours. 

So I'm a little more than a little Type A and absolutely hate when we have plans and then you go quiet.  So you need a nap, a shower, need to walk the dog?  Just tell me for f@$k sake!  Don't leave me hanging- it makes me all grouchy.

When I finally heard back from him he didn't have any good ideas for plans. So we settled on the Broncos pre-season game, nothing like getting excited to cheer on the Donkeys!!  We met at a restaurant/bar that I suggested as he had zero ideas.  We met, got a table and this is where things took a giant nose dive.  No more good conversation or smiles or compliments or gentlemanly gestures.  Just coldness, and silence and boredom.  

He knew that I had a lot going on this week, but I thought I'd hear something from him, if only a Hi, hello.  But nope.  Just the silent treatment. Pure radio silence.

It's obvious you don't want to go out with me again, but please have the common courtesy to let me know instead of leaving me hanging!  Douche.  

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to meet a guy the old fashion way

Girl goes out with friends, has a couple of drinks, locks eyes with guy across the bar.  He buys her a drink, they dance together and make out a bit.  Or a TON.  It feels like they're the only ones on the dance floor. At the end of the night they exchange contact information, go on their merry ways (or go home to hook up) and hope to hear from each other again.  He calls her, they go out and the rest is history, right? Or WRONG.  

In the age of technology and iPhone apps like Match and my new favorite Tinder (It's  hot or not, but you can hook up and no- I haven't met anyone yet) all the communication seems to happen online.  You read their profiles and know the basics about them before being even meeting them.  It takes away all the mystery and most of the excitement.  I've been on lots of online dates over the years but can't say that I've had too many with strangers from the bar.

Cue the paragraph above- word for word happened to me a few weeks ago.  I had been out with a friend at a Rockies game, went to the bar after and ran in to another friend and a group she was with.  I smiled at a guy across the bar-  talking, dancing and making out all happened before I realized that I was real drunk.  Almost to 'I'm going to get myself in to trouble' drunk so I booked it out of there, but not before handing him my business card which has my cell phone on it.  

I received a text exactly 2.5 days later and we went out over the weekend, and have plans to go out again soon.  The night is a bit foggy for the both of us but we both remember him saying to me that I seem like a lot of fun and asking if he can take me out.  So we'll see where things go from here!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Blog is Back- Finally!

So I've taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging and from dating. Call it two new jobs in one year or sucky dates or what have you.  I'm ready to get back in to it as I've really missed telling my readers my stories and its great therapy.

I've had a few dates here and there or have attempted to plan dates with guys from Match but nothing has really panned out.

One of said men I went out with on five or so dates.  We had a good time together and he seemed fairly nice although as I got to know him he seemed to get needier and more desperate.  I went over there one night to have dinner with him and things just didn't go well.  Too much wine, his house was too hot and he was way too pushy. That's when I realized I just wasn't in to him as his touch made my skin crawl.  

I was also supposed to have lunch with a guy who has a kid and wasn't ever available in the evenings.  That should have been a blatant red flag but oh no, I attempted to schedule a lunch date with him.  Now I'm in sales so meetings and opportunities take precedence over me taking a lunch typically.  Call me crazy but this girl needs to put food on the table.  The first attempt at lunch he cancelled because he has a meeting.  The second attempt I had to cancel because my boss called a meeting.  His response was 'sorry but it seems like this isn't going to work out, good luck in your search'.  WTF?  You can cancel but I can't?  Ya, no thank you.

Tomorrow look for my story about meeting a man at a bar- does that even happen anymore?

It's good to be back!