Monday, July 29, 2013

The Blog is Back- Finally!

So I've taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging and from dating. Call it two new jobs in one year or sucky dates or what have you.  I'm ready to get back in to it as I've really missed telling my readers my stories and its great therapy.

I've had a few dates here and there or have attempted to plan dates with guys from Match but nothing has really panned out.

One of said men I went out with on five or so dates.  We had a good time together and he seemed fairly nice although as I got to know him he seemed to get needier and more desperate.  I went over there one night to have dinner with him and things just didn't go well.  Too much wine, his house was too hot and he was way too pushy. That's when I realized I just wasn't in to him as his touch made my skin crawl.  

I was also supposed to have lunch with a guy who has a kid and wasn't ever available in the evenings.  That should have been a blatant red flag but oh no, I attempted to schedule a lunch date with him.  Now I'm in sales so meetings and opportunities take precedence over me taking a lunch typically.  Call me crazy but this girl needs to put food on the table.  The first attempt at lunch he cancelled because he has a meeting.  The second attempt I had to cancel because my boss called a meeting.  His response was 'sorry but it seems like this isn't going to work out, good luck in your search'.  WTF?  You can cancel but I can't?  Ya, no thank you.

Tomorrow look for my story about meeting a man at a bar- does that even happen anymore?

It's good to be back!

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