Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to meet a guy the old fashion way

Girl goes out with friends, has a couple of drinks, locks eyes with guy across the bar.  He buys her a drink, they dance together and make out a bit.  Or a TON.  It feels like they're the only ones on the dance floor. At the end of the night they exchange contact information, go on their merry ways (or go home to hook up) and hope to hear from each other again.  He calls her, they go out and the rest is history, right? Or WRONG.  

In the age of technology and iPhone apps like Match and my new favorite Tinder (It's  hot or not, but you can hook up and no- I haven't met anyone yet) all the communication seems to happen online.  You read their profiles and know the basics about them before being even meeting them.  It takes away all the mystery and most of the excitement.  I've been on lots of online dates over the years but can't say that I've had too many with strangers from the bar.

Cue the paragraph above- word for word happened to me a few weeks ago.  I had been out with a friend at a Rockies game, went to the bar after and ran in to another friend and a group she was with.  I smiled at a guy across the bar-  talking, dancing and making out all happened before I realized that I was real drunk.  Almost to 'I'm going to get myself in to trouble' drunk so I booked it out of there, but not before handing him my business card which has my cell phone on it.  

I received a text exactly 2.5 days later and we went out over the weekend, and have plans to go out again soon.  The night is a bit foggy for the both of us but we both remember him saying to me that I seem like a lot of fun and asking if he can take me out.  So we'll see where things go from here!

1 comment:

  1. You deserve this seestor! Have fun, keep it real, and just be yourself!
