Thursday, August 22, 2013

Radio Silence

I've gone out with the guy I met at the bar a few times and we've always had a good time and good conversation, I even made him a non-meat eaters dinner (he's a meat eater) one night and he didn't complain.  

Fast forward to this past weekend.  We had plans on Friday which were cancelled by him, excuse was that he had a long week, was tired, was grouchy, blah blah blah.  Ok, cool with me, I get that everyone has those days.  We  made plans for Saturday night instead.  I didn't hear from him all day and when I finally did, he asked what I wanted to do.  I suggested a show or a movie or something and then didn't hear back from him for close to 2 hours. 

So I'm a little more than a little Type A and absolutely hate when we have plans and then you go quiet.  So you need a nap, a shower, need to walk the dog?  Just tell me for f@$k sake!  Don't leave me hanging- it makes me all grouchy.

When I finally heard back from him he didn't have any good ideas for plans. So we settled on the Broncos pre-season game, nothing like getting excited to cheer on the Donkeys!!  We met at a restaurant/bar that I suggested as he had zero ideas.  We met, got a table and this is where things took a giant nose dive.  No more good conversation or smiles or compliments or gentlemanly gestures.  Just coldness, and silence and boredom.  

He knew that I had a lot going on this week, but I thought I'd hear something from him, if only a Hi, hello.  But nope.  Just the silent treatment. Pure radio silence.

It's obvious you don't want to go out with me again, but please have the common courtesy to let me know instead of leaving me hanging!  Douche.  

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