Saturday, June 11, 2011

Smacked in the Face with Memories...

Last weekend was the first weekend of City Park Jazz, the official start to summer.  As I was walking with my friend I saw my ex with his girlfriend (my ex friend)... and then promptly ran in to a parked box truck.  No really, I was trying to avoid him and I smacked my arm right in to the mirror.  Just so that I'll remember THAT memory for the next week the mirror left a nice bruise on my arm.  Thanks, memories.

Now on to dates... I've had a couple of online dates recently.  I had dinner at the local Thai place with this guy who was a dad jean offender.  Not much personality and a guy who looked good on paper but eh in person.

The other guy from last week has some real possibility... not food picky, good dresser, tall, smart and funny.  Seems to be a good combination so we'll see where it goes!

I have a few other dates lined up next week with a older guy AND a younger guy...figured I'd try out both for a change (instead of just older or the same age).

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