Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crushes and Rejection

Orange Crush.  Blue Crush.  Boy Crush! The when you see him your heart flutters kind of crush.  I'm realizing that having a crush on a boy isn't as fun as it was back in middle school, when you used to call him, giggle a bit and then hang up.  When you saw him in school and would shyly say hi.  Ah...the days.  Now there's feelings, and awkwardness, and rejection.   The over analyzation of everything and what went wrong.

When you google rejection or crush, I'm finding that WikiHow is really helpful for things like "How to communicate with a guy after he's rejected you".  Who would have known??

I'm ready for a relationship!  Something long term!  I can't help but feel a little sad  when my couple-y friends go out for dinner or on vacation on don't invite me.    Until then, datapalooza is definitely planned for the spring and summer of 2011.  I gotta turn that frown upside down!  Up next:  speed dating is planned!

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