Monday, November 22, 2010

Radio Silence and Annoyance

So I've been out with the same guy roughly 12 times and things were going good.  We had rounded second base and were on our way to a home run in the next few dates when... radio silence.  No response to my phone calls or text, and he even cancelled the last time we were supposed to get together.  I'm just waiting for the Facebook friends deletion.  I mean really? 

What kind of guy does this?  If you aren't interested in me anymore, for whatever reason, at least let me  know instead of saying/doing nothing!  All I can think about is what did I do/say that made such an impact, that after 12 GOOD dates you just leave me hanging?  It doesn't take all that long to send me a quick text saying that although you've had fun you just aren't that in to me.  Or just tell me to read the book.  Geez.

The good news is that I'll have some new content (aka men) for my blog now.

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