Thursday, October 21, 2010

Datapalooza.. and What is a Dealbreaker?

So I have 3 dates in 4 days.. one is a 2nd date and the others are first dates.  I fondly refer to this as Datapalooza.  I am not above having 2 dates in the same day, either, and have actually done this on a few occasions.

My friends have suggested that I pre-qualify my dates because my recent dates have looked go on paper (aka online) but not so good in person.  And this got me thinking- What are my 5 MUST-haves in a guy?

Height?  Weight?  Age?  Eye color?  Shoe size (wink wink)?  Do these things really matter?  I mean I'm tall, but do I really need a guy that will tower over me when I'm wearing heels (which I honestly wear once a month)? I've narrowed down my must-haves to these:

-nice teeth/smile
-wants to settle down in the next few years/open to kids
-at least my height
-good sense of humor/can make me smile
-likes sports, both playing and watching
-50/50 between loving the outdoors and loving the city life.

Ok that's six, but whatever.. I like to bend the rules.

My good friend M says that I need to keep an open mind about my dates.. age, kids, job, etc.  All that doesn't really matter all that much if when you meet them, they are truly your better half.

Wish me luck!


  1. oh I know it took you a while to whittle down your list......

  2. I always had age and height on my list, especially height being 6' tall. But then I met my husband, 5" shorter and 8 years younger and lived in South America. I didn't want to consider him for over a year, but then it couldn't be helped, I just fell in love with him and couldn't imagine not spending the rest of my life with him, and all my list just melted away.
