Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Some of the joys of being single AND some dates

I've been thinking a lot about my life, where I'm going, where I've been and what lies ahead.  I'm realizing (with the help of all my friends) that only I can design and build the road to my happiness!  Here's a few things I'm enjoying in my single life:

-I get all 4 pillows AND the whole bed.  At least when the dogs aren't on it...
-I can do what I want, when I want, the way I want
-I can eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for lunch or not eat at all
-I don't have to shave my legs all the time!
-I can drive erratically, sing in the car and stop anywhere I want along the way
-I don't have to live up to anyone else's expectations, or listen to anyone else's demands

After reading my list I am smiling and realizing that I am happy where I am in my life- finally!  I owe much of this to my friends, you guys know who you are.  That being said, Datapalooza is NOT ending... it's too much fun.

I did have a date on Sunday with a guy who told me umpteen times that he was from XXX town and what he does for work.  In my head I kept on hearing "This one time at band camp..." it was a bit exhausting.  And he sat on the same side of the booth as me!  Talk about awkward, I like to look at people in the face, not cram my neck around to look at them.  And I swear he spit on me...more than once!  NEXT.

My other date from last week was a chain smoker.  We went to happy hour for less than 2 hours and he got up to smoke twice, and talked about it about 5 times.  I'm okay with occasional smokers, but really?  On a first date?  NEXT.

Merry Holidays, and Happy New Year.  Datapalooza 2011 is on the horizon! 

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