Monday, December 27, 2010

8 Mistakes

I read this article today and thought it was worth posting.  I don't think I have any male readers but if so, the article offers some good advice.  If not, if you the reader has some single male friends, pass along the link- they'll thank you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Some of the joys of being single AND some dates

I've been thinking a lot about my life, where I'm going, where I've been and what lies ahead.  I'm realizing (with the help of all my friends) that only I can design and build the road to my happiness!  Here's a few things I'm enjoying in my single life:

-I get all 4 pillows AND the whole bed.  At least when the dogs aren't on it...
-I can do what I want, when I want, the way I want
-I can eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for lunch or not eat at all
-I don't have to shave my legs all the time!
-I can drive erratically, sing in the car and stop anywhere I want along the way
-I don't have to live up to anyone else's expectations, or listen to anyone else's demands

After reading my list I am smiling and realizing that I am happy where I am in my life- finally!  I owe much of this to my friends, you guys know who you are.  That being said, Datapalooza is NOT ending... it's too much fun.

I did have a date on Sunday with a guy who told me umpteen times that he was from XXX town and what he does for work.  In my head I kept on hearing "This one time at band camp..." it was a bit exhausting.  And he sat on the same side of the booth as me!  Talk about awkward, I like to look at people in the face, not cram my neck around to look at them.  And I swear he spit on me...more than once!  NEXT.

My other date from last week was a chain smoker.  We went to happy hour for less than 2 hours and he got up to smoke twice, and talked about it about 5 times.  I'm okay with occasional smokers, but really?  On a first date?  NEXT.

Merry Holidays, and Happy New Year.  Datapalooza 2011 is on the horizon! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

I stick out like a sore thumb

It's that time of the season for holiday parties, both companies and friends.  On Friday I went to a company holiday party with my good friend S.  Assuming that there would be single guys at the party was a bad idea, because there was none to be seen. Even the photographers and wait staff had rings on their fingers.  Really?

I rounded on my weekend of holiday parties with a white elephant party on Saturday night with some of my favorite people. It was a great time with Wasasil  and sausages in saucy goodness.  The best part was the white elephant gift exchange, when I, the only single person at the event chose the present with this book.

I immediately turned bright red and everyone laughed.  Someone else made a comment about the dip and how it was dateless (the other dip had dates) just like me.  WOW, nice hua?

I typically really like Christmas, but with the anniversary of my breakup right around the corner the holidays aren't seeming so festive this year.  Here's looking towards a new year, right?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ready to Rumble!

I'm back from my lovely Thanksgiving holiday.  It was a great visit with family and I think I was only asked a few times if I was "going with anyone".  I do wish I could have spent more time in the airports.  I love people watching, and after reading this article I want to see if I can find love at an airport too!  ORD, SFO, BWI, JFK-  instead of the typical man-quest to visit all major league baseball stadiums I'm starting a quest to visit (and hang out in) all of the major airports in the US.  Time to start booking flights, with as many layovers over 2 hours as possible!