Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Cart Before the Horse

I haven't written a blog post in what seems like forever.  I've taken most of the summer off from dating and have spent my time doing me things, like: trying to mountain bike, weekend trips away, gardening, going to Rockies games, sitting on patios, etc.  I also spent the summer thinking about my single life, what I truly want in a partner and even crying sometimes about it all.

I also got a new job about 2 weeks ago, so quitting and starting something new hasn't been the easiest.  My new job is in a real office with nice people and guys who are mostly married.  Not like I'd date a co-worker but I have a few single girl friends left!

I've been on some mediocre first dates over the past few months, and some lousy second and third dates.  Some guys never paid for even a drink of mine.  Come on guys, if you like me try to get me drunk and make out with me!  Just like all of the other dates I've been on in the past there just wasn't a spark, they were all just meh.

About 2 months ago I decided it was time to actually PAY for dating, I mean you pay for what you get, right?  Free=lousy men and pay=better men?  So I get on to Match, fill out my profile, upload some summer photos and start winking at guys. Because that's what I do best, wink and not talk.  Some responded with a no thanks, some didn't respond at all, some actually wrote back.  Even less wanted to meet in person.  Why do guys just want to chat on and on and on?  They know they are good on paper but suck in person, is what I've figured out.

I'm not going to put the cart before the horse or anything like that but I've been on 3 dates with a guy and I have to say I think I LIKE HIM.  And he's a good kisser.  I know that after our wildly high schoolish make out session in my car last week.  It's been over 3 years since I've liked a guy, so I have to admit it feels a little strange.  We have a lot in common, but not too too much.  He has a ton of the qualities I want in a partner.  He's going to meet some good friends of mine this week so we'll see how it goes.  And we have plans for the weekend too.