Monday, October 31, 2011

Two Bad Dates, One Week

I had two bad dates within a few days of each other last week.  The first was on Monday, he was older and I knew he had kids.  Turns out he has 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 dogs and is still not divorced.  Our conversation was okay but he was obviously NOT ready to date anyone.

I think he had this sticker on the back of his SUV

The second bad date was on Friday night.  Note to self: no first dates on Friday nights.  Ever again.  He was nice enough, pretty cute and then became slightly creepy.  He also wanted to do tequila shots.  Not really my thing on a first date, or really ever for that matter.

Definitely won't be seeing either of them again!

I stole this quote off of a guys OKC profile today, I thought it was a good one "All the pictures are great, but it's really about personality and how two people connect. Obviously, there has to be attraction, but there is so much more."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A "Whoa is Me" Moment

I'm having a feeling sorry for myself moment.  Or more like two days.  I even shed some tears about it.  I'm doubting decisions and questioning thoughts.  I've lead with my heart and that has become hurtful.  I'm probably going to read this tomorrow and say to myself, really?  You have a damn good life.  Buck-up, Buttercup!  

It's hard when you like(d?) someone and you realize there is no reciprocation.  It's made me think about what the hell is wrong with me?  What do other girls have that I don't?  Give me a chance, why don't you?  Do I just get the balls and say hey, I like you.  Will you go out with me?  Of course not, that damn thing rejection gets in the way.  

This is the song that is for all of us who have liked someone and lost.  Or is it their loss?  

How I wish you could see the potential,
                                                                        the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Just yet.

So what do you say, want to spend some time with me?