Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doldrums of Dating

Dating has been less than stellar lately so I gave my profile some updating with some help of a friend.  Not much was changed, a few things here and there, so we'll see if that helps with the men.  I've messaged a few guys here and there but nothing.

My friend suggested that I delete guys that I like out of my contacts in my phone.  Oh wait, that's right!  None of the guys I've been on dates with are IN my phone, and I didn't like any of them anyways!  But hey, if you delete them and they call you (I've seen it happen)- awesome!

I've been watching Millionaire MatchMaker on Bravo.  I'm not a millionaire (far from it) and I'm pretty sure Patti would rip me apart if I was one of the lady selections, but I think she has good advice on dating in general.  A few winners from the last show:

-2 drink limit on the first date
-Don't date down
Your must-have list can't be ridiculous

Fingers crossed I'll have some dates here in the near future, or this single/dating blog is going to get pretty boring!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Making a Move

I've had quite a few conversations about who is supposed to make the first move when you like someone. It seems like we ladies expect the guy to make the first move but that guys wish girls would make a bigger  attempt to make said move.  Traditional?  I think not, just flat out scared!

I've always had a hard time making the first move because one (or more) of these outcomes gets caught up in my mind:

- the "ick/eew" face, aka "you think I like you that way??
- flat out rejection
-laughed at to my face

So guys, I think it's better off for you to make the first move, otherwise a move may NEVER happen given the above circumstances.  Who knew dating could be so challenging, and why don't they start to teach this in school instead of sex-ed??