Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Gotta Feeling..

..that next week's date might be good.  The day/time isn't set yet, but we are going out.  I can't wait.  More details to follow!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lookin' for Love...

...On the RTD?  Or on the side of the road?  So I'm taking the RTD for a few days, my car was involved in a hit-and-run and is in the shop.  While it was getting towed the other day, the tow-truck driver asked me out.  I'm guessing that he was in his upper 40's, and he was missing some visible teeth and sporting womanly locks. Needless to say, I said no.  And he works 4pm-4am, when would I ever see him??

While trekking my way up 16th Street Mall because the free shuttle wasn't coming I engaged in a conversation with a guy who was also walking and waiting.  He asked me out, but I kindly declined...he just didn't seem like my type.  And I could barely talk because my face was frozen (1 degree with a -19 windchill)

I'll still be checking out the guys on the bus, though.  No iPod, magazines or books for me- I want to look available and willing to chat! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Men and Flakiness

Come on Gentleman, when you ask me to go out, don't cancel on me!  And via text?  Come on, get the balls to pick up the phone and call!    No excuses like it was snowing too hard or I didn't have any clothes to wear or the dog ate my car keys.  Rescheduling for 2 weeks from now is no consolation prize.  DELETE!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dating is on Pause

So I'm a little tired of the lame dating scene here in Denver so have decided to take a brief hiatus.  I'm planning on taking a trip to see my sister in CA in a few weeks so maybe I'll fall in love with a rich hunky man who owns a winery, loves dogs (but doesn't have any) and is tall and cute!  One can hope, right??